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Why do we subtitle?

Over the last few weeks I’ve been bombarded by many bizarre methods of translation which have left me confused as to what is actually...

How Our Mood Effects What We Watch

On exiting the screening of The Last Man in San Francisco my brother and I had hugely different reactions. He was hugely emotionally...

The Function of Film?

Amid Catch Phrases – Catch Images’ fascinating discussion Harun Farocki touches on a huge function of cinema, especially prevalent in...

Play: Racism Off-Screen

Play is one of those rare experiences that reveals it’s bold message and mastery in hindsight, but while you are in it you feel extreme...

Ma: Viewing Art for a Limited Time

Often when I enter a gallery or am confronted by a piece of visual art I am confronted by a feeling of intriguing incomprehension, but as...

Close-Up: Is Anything Real?

“Aren’t you acting for the camera now?” Kiarostami asks Hossain Sabzian, an attempted fraudster posing as famed Iranian director Mohsen...

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